Privacy Policy

Last updated: 10.10.2023

I. General Provisions

The Lori application was developed and designed in order to provide its Users with advanced and easy-to-use functionalities for communication by means of video chat and text messenger. Within Lori, Users have the ability to upload their own photos and videos, engage in conversations with fellow users, share their content and rate the content created by other users. Additionally, Lori provides the option for in-app purchases, if such features are available. Our aim is to empower Users with a versatile and engaging communication platform.

This Privacy Policy ("Policy") applies to the website, the Lori mobile application for Android and iOS, and all associated services collectively referred to as the "Service."

The Policy outlines how we (“us”, “our”, “Lori”, “Company”, “Service”, “Application”) handle your personal data, which encompasses the collection, acquisition, storage, transfer, disclosure, deletion, or any other form of utilization of information related to you as an individual user ("you" or "User"). This data processing is conducted to facilitate the provision of the Service or to ensure the security and protection of your interests as a User. We retain the right to amend, either in part or in full, this Policy at our discretion and for any reason, with notification of such modifications provided to you.

Please be aware that this Policy solely applies to the data within our processing purview. If you access any third-party services or applications while using our Service, any information shared with those services and applications is subject to the terms and policies of those third parties.

II. Processed Data

The data we collect and process concerning you may encompass:

a. Registration and Account Information

This includes details such as your full name, username, gender, identification information, email address, date and place of birth, place of residence, photographs, and more.

b. Device and Software Data

Any data sent by your device or installed software, including IP addresses, cookies, statistics, browser data, and similar information.

c. Communication Data

Messages, notifications, photos, videos, or any other data pertinent to interactions between you and other Users or our Customer Support. Communication data may also include personal details such as usernames, email addresses, phone numbers, or any other User-related data.

III. Sharing of Data

It's important to note that personally identifying data shared by Users during their use of the Service or communication with other Users is considered public and, therefore, may not retain privacy rights.

Any personal information voluntarily disclosed within the Service can be shared with third parties by other Users without prior notification. Therefore, we urge you to exercise caution when deciding what data to make available within the Service. Please refer to chapter IV of this Policy for more detail.

We reserve the right to process and utilize any User-related data that may be necessary in legal proceedings to protect the rights and interests of the Company, yourself, other Users, or the vital interests of any other individual.

We operate on the assumption that the data you provide to us is accurate and truthful. We kindly request that you refrain from sharing any untrue, inaccurate, or unnecessary information with us.

IV. Involvement of Third Parties

The Company reserves the right to transmit a User's personal data to third parties under the following circumstances:

  • The User has explicitly granted consent for such data transfer.
  • The data transfer is essential to provide the Service to the User, including, but not limited to, payment processing.
  • The data transfer is mandated by legal procedures, which may encompass auditing, consulting, legal disputes, or any other dispute resolution processes.

Third-party services and applications may include links to the Service. While we take all possible measures to ensure that these services and applications are not engaged in unlawful activities, we bear no control or responsibility over these third parties. You agree to use any third-party services and applications at your own discretion and risk.

For statistical and business purposes, we utilize the Google Analytics service, provided by Google LLC, situated in the United States. Consequently, certain data may be transferred to and utilized by Google as part of this process.

V. Prohibition of Inappropriate Use

Individuals under the age of 18 are prohibited from using the Service. We employ all reasonable measures, including identity verification, to ensure that the Service is exclusively accessed by adults. If you suspect that your child is using or attempting to access the Service, please get in touch with us. We will promptly remove any data posted or made available within the Service by your child, if applicable.

The Application is intended for the personal use of the User and should not be used for any commercial activity unless expressly permitted by the Service. Unauthorized use of the Service will be investigated, and appropriate legal actions will be taken as necessary.

We retain the right to examine disputes, claims, and violations of this Policy and may initiate legal proceedings that we deem appropriate with relevant law enforcement authorities or regulators.

VI. User's Rights

As a User of the Service, you may exercise any of the following rights by contacting our Support:

  • to verify whether we process your personal data. You may request a copy of your personal data via our Support.
  • to receive your personal data from us in a structured and commonly used format, to the extent that the legal basis for such action is consent.
  • to have your personal data deleted from the Service.
  • to rectify your personal data.
  • to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time, in accordance with the legal basis for such action.
  • to object to processing under certain circumstances, within the legal framework of the processing. We will cease processing your personal data in response to such objection unless there are legal reasons necessitating continued processing.
  • to lodge a complaint with a relevant authority if you believe our processing of your personal data violates applicable data protection regulations.

VII. Security

We are deeply committed to safeguarding the security of your personal data, and as such, we adhere to widely accepted industry standards to ensure the protection of the personal information you entrust to us. Our commitment extends to implementing rigorous technical and organizational measures, as well as integrating essential data protection principles into our workflows, all aimed at preventing any form of misuse or unauthorized disclosure of your data.

Despite our unwavering dedication to safeguarding your personal data, it is important to note that no security system is entirely infallible. While we employ all reasonable efforts to protect your personal information, we cannot provide an absolute guarantee of security. In the unlikely event of a security breach that may compromise your personal information, we will promptly notify you in accordance with applicable law. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the security measures in place for our Application, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

We do not retain a User's personal data for a duration longer than necessary for the intended purposes. In cases where we cannot predefine the data storage period, we will establish this period based on the internal requirements of the Service.

Users have the option to request the deletion of their account and all associated personal data from the Service. In such cases, the Service will:

  • Erase personally identifying data within 30 days after the account deletion.
  • Conceal the public profile within 30 days after the account deletion.
  • Delete registration data, communication data, and all technical data 5 years after the account deletion.

We reserve the right to maintain and store your personal data for a period required to address any pertinent legal proceedings, if applicable.

VIII. Cookie Policy

The Service utilizes cookies, which are small files stored by web browsers to enhance the user experience. Generally, cookies do not contain personally identifying information. However, the personal data we collect may be associated with data stored in cookies.

Cookies are employed in the Service for functions such as sign-up and login processes, general management, and security procedures. They can assist in remembering data you enter (e.g., when logging into your account), reducing the need to repeat certain actions. Furthermore, cookies contribute to a more personalized and user-oriented experience by remembering your individual preferences while using the Service. As part of our affiliate program, we utilize specific cookies to track users and visitors referred to our Service from affiliate partners' websites. These cookies enable us to express our appreciation to our partners and provide bonuses to you as a User. They are also used for statistical and advertising purposes.

You have the option to deactivate cookie storage through your browser's settings. However, we do not recommend this, as disabling cookies may significantly limit the available features and functions of the Service.

IX. Dispute Resolution

Any disputes related to this Agreement will be resolved through binding arbitration instead of litigation in a court (except for claims within the court's jurisdiction). All claims or disputes, regardless of their nature or the remedies sought, are subject to arbitration.

You agree to absolve the Service, its affiliates, and other related parties of any liability and indemnify them against any loss or claims made by any third party arising from or related to your use of the Service in violation of any provision or warranty in this Agreement.

By using the Service, you automatically accept and consent to all the provisions and warranties outlined in this Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire and exclusive agreement between you and the Service concerning your use of our website or mobile applications. The failure of the Service to exercise or enforce any right or provision in this Agreement shall not be considered a waiver of such right or provision.

X. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Policy, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support at [email protected].